Today's The Day!
As I'm sure you know, tonight I am adding two new pages to the blog (Links and Contact Us).
Well, it's technically three because the Contact Us pages redirects you to a new page when you fill in the contact form.
Anyway, I have added the links into the side bar (But not activated them yet) and I noticed that the big Subscribe button was too big and looked out of place.
Therefore, I have made another new page for subscriptions which is also being uploaded tonight.
Because of this, I have also had to move the list of subscribers to that page so sorry about that.
Oh, and also, I have a message for subscribers; If you want a link on the links page then email or PM me ASAP with the link. I already have Chandra's site and Thay's YouTube up but nothing for TEH Burn and timelord6.
Everything on the pages is working and it's all ready.
Originally, I would of had to upload the links and link them up but because I have already uploaded the links, I can link them alot quicker. Therefore, the new pages will now be launched at 7PM!
The reason it was going to be at midnight is I had alot to do and I thought not many people would be here if I did it at midnight but because I just need to add links, I can do that very quickly.
So, the launch is at 7PM!
Please come and see the new pages then!
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