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Thursday, 13 August 2009

David Tennant's Last Line...

This is a page from the 2010 Doctor Who Storybook, showing a 'transmission from 10'. If you click on the image above, you'll be able to see it.
What's interesting is, there are some of Tennant's lines in there going backwards from "End Transmission" to "Begin Transmission!".
Here's a transcript of what those lines:

Don't Forget Me

One last look. Got to see...

????????? Can't be alive! No! The Gate...

...E Water! Get away from the w...

Scanning, but it must

...ntheon of Discord, targeting her, not her, not my wonderful Sar...

...ristina! Out there on the mighty 200!

Knock four times

I love a little Christmas, even with that Cyber King. Funny, that ????????????

Curse, not a ble...

Saying goodbye, so many goodby...

Riding the TARDIS, riding the Earth, all of us! The Children of Time!

No, no, don't do that! Don't....

No spoilers!

Kicking Edgar Allan

Is Ending Soon. Professor Song? Song? Song! Camptown Races??? Doo dah doo dah.

...gatha Christie? Only talking about you the other d...

...on't even blink!

Capable of everything he was capable

Lied to you because I liked it, I could prete...

Good old J.K.!, she's with her family travelling with you

Did you miss me?

Hello! Oooh, new teeth!


I've bolded the lines we're yet to hear.

This an interesting line we're yet to hear:
Riding the TARDIS, riding the Earth, all of us! The Children of Time!

So we'll be hearing that in an upcoming special!
Perhaps he goes back in time to the Series Four finale like he goes back in time to see Rose.
That would explain Captain Jack being seen.

The line I love a little Christmas, even with that Cyber King. Funny, that ???????????? comes before the line about water to I think that it's Christmas on the base on Mars. It could refer to the end of the Waters of Mars because it's snowing back on Earth but then the water line should come before it.

...ristina! Out there on the mighty 200!
The Doctor makes reference to Lady Christina (Maybe we see a flash of red zoom by in the sky).

...ntheon of Discord, targeting her, not her, not my wonderful Sar...
Not my wonderful Sarah Jane

...E Water! Get away from the w...
The Water! Get away from the water!
But why is that after the line about Sarah Jane who we know is in the finale?
Maybe The Doctor see's a tap dripping and has bad memories! Lol

????????? Can't be alive! No! The Gate...
The Master can't be alive! No! The Gate of Elysium!???

One last look. Got to see..
Wants to see himself before he regenerates?

And finally, Don't Forget Me.
So is Don't Forget Me Tennant's last line?
I seem to remember RTD said something about the last letter being N so that must just be the first part of his last name.


a64,  13 August 2009 at 15:14  

Very interesting!

Are they in order? "Safe, she's with her family" sounded like it's from Utopia to me. And the Christina line sounds like it had been heard before, might not have been...

The 'song is ending soon' line is interesting. And I think the SJ one refers to the "Pantheon of Discord" perhaps.

Doctor Who Dave,  13 August 2009 at 15:29  

I think they are in order from The End of Time to Parting of the Ways (Backwards).
Are you referring to what The Doctor said to Jack.
I believe he said "Oh no! Sorry! She’s alive!"
"You're kiding?" "Parallel world safe and sound. And Mickey! And her mother!".

Notice how it says End Transmission and Start Transmission. It is all very interesting (and confusing).

I don’t think the Christina line has been said before.

Who knows.
Like I said, very confusing.

What is the Pantheon of Discord?
Is that from the classic series?


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