A farewell to the Screwdriver and TARDIS that we know
For those of you who were worried by all the change for the Matt Smith era, here's some pictures to cheer you up!
The two on the left show the Ninth and Tenth Doctor's Sonic Screwdriver literally blowing up in the hand of the Eleventh, and burning his hand. Hence the reason for a new Sonic. Whilst in the past, the item has just miraculously changed it's appearance, it now looks like the 'Who team really care about continuity which is great news.
He obviously then makes a new Sonic, therefore that being the one that we saw in the first few filming pictures.
You can view a video of it happening below.
And for those of you in uproar about the new TARDIS exterior
design changing, to left is a picture of the previous two Doctor's TARDIS (CE & DT). Though the windows are black which makes it look burnt or that there are no lights on inside.
Dalek Thay, a subscriber said, "I am expecting a nice scene, well, two, one where it regenarates and one where it makes itself look like it used to, both in and out." which looks very plausible.
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