Here at News Through Time and Space, the fan-run spoiler-free blog, we aim to bring you the latest news concerning Doctor Who and everything related. We hope you'll continue to check back regularly and enjoy the site! Thank You!

Saturday, 31 October 2009

Just a quick "thanks"

I just wanted to say a quick thanks to MJF, a64 and of course DoctorWhoDave for deeming my entry good enough to come first in the Halloween comp. A very nice surprise. I really don't think mine was the best though!

I nearly withdrew my entry after submitting it as I didn't want Dave to look bias if he thought my entry was good enough for a prize! But I then decided that he would make the right decision whatever he decided to do and he showed that by asking a64 and MJF to help him judge. :)

Well done to Thay and DS08, your entry's were brilliant and also to Dalek 101 and Teh BURN.

The whole thing was a really nice surprise.



Happy Halloween!

Trick or Treat?!


Halloween Contest Results!

Yes, it's the moment you've all been waiting for, it's the Halloween Contest results!

We received five brilliant entries and it was very hard to judge them.
I`d just like to thank everyone who entered. 

Now because Chandra entered I realised that people might think it`s unfair that I was judging as Chandra helps with the blog even though I was judging impartially. Therefore, I got two more judges so that this was completely fair. So big thanks to a64 and MarthaJonesFan for helping to judge the contest!
Each rank equalled one point so for example, if two of the judges ranked an entry as 1st and the other ranked it as 2nd, that would be 14 points out of 15 and the entry with the most points won.

Like I said, it was really hard to judge and I hope no one is disappointed about the results. It was very close but here are the results.
Click any of the images to enlarge them.

5th - Teh BURN
We really like it and think that it is a very creative entry but we also feel that it would have been better if it was darker

4th - Dalek101
We think it's a good picture and the lighting has been used well but it isn't too Halloween-y

3rd - DalekSupreme08
We think it has a great sense of mystery and the lighting is lovely. Simple but effective.

2nd - Dalek Thay
We think it is a very original entry, very spooky and very nicely lit. Clearly alot of effort has gone into it.

1st - Chandra
We think it's very funny and a brilliant idea. Lovely, clear photography and wonderful editing. 

So congratulations everyone who won a prize and commiserations those who didn't. All of the entries were brilliant.

Here's a reminder of the prizes:

- 1st Place (Chandra): Dalek Bag, Doctor Who Series One Volume One DVD, Doctor Who Series One Volume Four DVD, Mini TARDIS and some Power Rollers, Doctor Who Pencil Case, Moving TARDIS notepad, exclusive Davros top trumps card, Classic Doctor Who DVD's, the Stone Rose audio (Only part 2, sadly), Davros planner, Doctor Who Quiz Book, Doctor Who: Forever Autumn (The perfect read for halloween), Forbidden Planet leaflet, Doctor Who stickers and two fake Halloween scabs

- 2nd Place (Dalek Thay): Doctor Who DVD Files Volume One (DVD), Planet of the Dead pencil case and stationary, Doctor Who notepad and a Dalek sticker pack

- 3rd Place (DalekSupreme08): Rose DVD, Plastic Fob Watch, Cyber Leader Mask, Cyber Pencil Case

I will be sending them out next week and will be emailing all of you winners sometime tonight.

Thanks ever so much to everyone who entered. I am so glad that this was a success. 

Finally, Happy Halloween everyone!


Friday, 30 October 2009

The Wedding of Sarah Jane Smith Part 2 Thoughts

I haven't got much to say really but what an amazing episode of SJA! My favourite yet!
A very touching episode and it was great to see the Doctor meet the kids. The scenes with all of them were brilliant and I so wish they had gone for a trip in the TARDIS. The only fault is how the Trickster was defeated. It's just getting boring with people going back on their agreement to defeat him. However, the episode was still absolutely brilliant and I loved the ending. Very emotional with SJ and the Doctor.

A must see adventure.


Series Five News

There is a news report on the BBC website which included some interesting facts:

- Six of the thirteen episodes are written by Steven Moffat

- His biggest challenge is the climax to the series which he is currently writing

- The Tardis has undergone a significant makeover and is based on the Peter Cushing movie version.


The Waters of Mars Confirmed Transmission

David Tennant was on GMTV this morning and whilst on, he announced when The Waters of Mars is going to be aired. It will be shown at 7pm on Sunday 15th November.
I personally think that is a terrible date. It should have been on a Saturday and to make it even better, it should have been on Halloween.

Anyway, here is the full interview with Tennant:


Halloween Celebration!

Tomorrow is Halloween!
So to celebrate, we've decorated the banner in a Halloween-y way. Sorry it looks so terrible.

We've also got our Halloween Contest. You've got until midnight tomorrow to enter (I've extended the deadline) but do hurry! Please consider entering!

We then have the results on Halloween night at 6pm and hopefully a few other surprises (I have a few ideas but PM or email me with any Halloween ideas you have please).

So what will you be doing on Halloween night? Let us know!
I myself am not going Trick or Treating this year so I`m just going to have a marathon of some scary Doctor Who episodes.

Also, don`t forget that the owner of Doctor Who Figures Online, Sebastian Hamilton, will be making a big announcement about his brilliant comic, Timeslip, over on the forum on the 31st.

Halloween is going to be brilliant!


Thursday, 29 October 2009

SJA Videos

Lots of SJA videos!

First of all, the Next Time trailer for Part 2 of TWOSJS:

Secondly, here's a video of Tommy and Daniel on the CBBC Channel (They've been appearing on and off all day):

And finally, a video of Nigel Havers on The Alan Titchmarch show:


The Wedding of Sarah Jane Smith Part 1 Thoughts

Phew - I got back from town just in time to see SJA and what an amazing episode it was.

Some thoughts:

- Rivalry between K9 and Mr Smith was brilliant but I think they went over the top with K9 and he got annoying
- Hearing the TARDIS all the time got very exciting
- I thought that I recognized the alien in the box - it was of course Travis Colon from Mark of the Berserker
- It all felt quite rushed. I think they should of either done a mega 3 episode thing or an hour and a half special
- The ring making SJ think she'd done things and making her decide to do things was very intriguing
- So glad they made excuses for Maria and the Brigadier not being there. Although I was hoping Maria might make a surprise appearance. Also, for those who don't know - the Brigadier was going to be in the episode but he couldn't because Nicholas Courtney suffered a stroke when they were due to film. He has now however made a full recovery
- Ending was brilliant. I thought it would end with the Doctor shouting "Stop this wedding now!" but it kept on going and was extremely exciting
- Can't wait to see K9 and the Doctor reunited

So it was a very good episode but could of done with being longer. Still one of my favorite episodes though and the best is yet to come.

Can't wait for tomorrow!


The Gift Press Release

The press release for SJA Series Three finale, The Gift, has been released and can be read below:

The Gift Press Release
The Sarah Jane Adventures – The Gift: Part One
Thursday 12th November
4.35-5.00pm BBC ONE

Sarah Jane, Luke, Clyde and Rani face an old enemy, the green Slitheen, in the penultimate episode of this series of The Sarah Jane Adventures.
When the Slitheen’s latest scheme is halted, their rivals, the Blathereen, arrive. Declaring peace between the planets, they offer Sarah Jane a gift – one that might change the future of the human race forever.

The Sarah Jane Adventures – The Gift: Part Two
Friday 13th November
4.35-5.00pm BBC ONE

When the Blathereens’ gift runs riot, Sarah Jane faces the battle of her life to save her son, Luke, as The Sarah Jane Adventures concludes.
With Clyde, Rani and K9 trapped in a school under siege, and the whole of London convulsing under the alien threat, everything heads for a final showdown in the attic – and not everyone is getting out alive.
Sarah Jane Smith is played by Elisabeth Sladen, Luke Smith by Tommy Knight, Clyde Langer by Daniel Anthony and Rani Chandra by Anjli Mohindra. John Leeson provides the voice of K9.


Russell and Elizabeth on BBC Breakfast - New Clips!

This morning, Russell T Davies and Elizabeth Sladen appeared on BBC Breakfast.
The interview with them included an extended preview clip of TWOSJS Part 1 (The same clip we saw in Nigel Haver's interview but a few seconds longer) as well as a new and exciting clip of Part 2!
There was even a new clip from The Waters of Mars!
The full interview can be seen below:

Or if you don't have time to watch the whole thing, here is the Waters of Mars preview:

Very exciting!


Sarah Jane Adventures Reminder

Don't forget that tonight, part 1 of The Wedding of Sarah Jane Smith is aired on BBC1 at 4:35pm!

The Doctor isn't in it until the very end but tomorrow we'll have 25 minutes of Tennant to enjoy!

A nice little coincidence - tonight we see the Doctor on our TV's once more (Albeit for only a few seconds) and it was one year ago today that the Doctor himself, Mr David Tennant, announced his departure from the TARDIS.
Since then we've had two brilliant hours of Doctor Who and we've still got over 200 minutes of Tennant to enjoy (Including Specials, SJA, Dreamland etc.). The best is yet to come!

Don't forget we start our Halloween celebrations today with a new banner.
I'm not sure when it will be up as I have to go to town first and then come home and make the banner (I did it a few days ago but it was somehow deleted) but it will be today!


Tuesday, 27 October 2009

Halloween Contest Update!

Hi everyone,

Below is a photo I have made for Halloween. This is the sort of thing you can do for the Halloween contest but it doesn't have to be dramatic - it could be funny or anything!

Not very good. I only have Powerpoint and it was done very quickly. What's more is I only have one Sea Devil so I had to do split screen and for the first time.

But there's an idea to get your creative juices flowing!

Please enter! I've only had two entries so far (But they have been great)!
I've also now added two Halloween costume scabs (To put on skin) to the first prize! There are so many brilliant prizes available!

You've only got until midnight on Friday to enter so hurry!


Monday, 26 October 2009

K9: The Series Preview

This Saturday (Halloween) there is a 30 minute preview of the 2010 Disney K9 series on Disney XD.

A preview of the preview (:P) has been released and can be seen below:

Don't miss the big preview on Saturday!
6pm on Disney XD (Sky Channel - 607, Virgin - 707)


Sarah Jane Adventures Advent Calendar

I have been thinking about how good it would be to have a Sarah Jane Adventures advent calendar.
What with there being no Doctor Who advent calendar this year (As far as I know), the SJA as popular as ever and the Doctor appearing this series, I think it could have sold really well. I'm surprised they haven't made any SJA advent calendars - SJA is always on in Autumn when the advent calendars go on sale and previous series' have ended in December when advent calendars are "being used" so I really think they could have done well.

Anyway, I've done a mock-up of what a SJA advent calendar might look like. Not very good but the only software I have is Powerpoint.
Hope you like it!

If you repost it anywhere, please include a link to this blog.

Let me know what you think!


Nigel Havers Interview

Nigel Havers has appeared on GMTV to talk about his role of Peter Dalton in the upcoming episode of SJA, The Wedding of Sarah Jane Smith. In the interview, he seems very excited about the episode and we also see a very exciting clip which we haven't seen before now.

The interview including the new clip can be seen below:


Sunday, 25 October 2009

Sarah Jane Adventures: The Wedding of Sarah Jane Smith

This weekend, there were some advance screenings of part one of The Wedding of Sarah Jane Smith in Liverpool following by a Q&A session with the cast and there were also lots of fun SJA activities throughout the day. Unfortunately, I was unable to make it to the event but subscriber, timelord6 was there. He has very kindly written up an exclusive preview of the episode for News Through Time and Space! Don't worry, it doesn't give away any major parts of the plot!
Here it is:

The episode started nicely with hints of mystery and as the episode progressed, little hints of the ending came along. There were plenty of laughs and quirky situations involving Sarah Jane's boyfriend and the gang and some funny scenes including K9 and Mr Smith. The climax of the episode was very interesting to watch with Clyde at the ready for something bad to happen while Luke and Rani were enjoying themselves and then just as it seemed everything was fine...
BANG! The cliffhanger came and then the credits...

Great review there! Thanks timelord6! A brilliant NTTAS exclusive!
I can't wait to see the episodes! Not much longer for the rest of us to wait!


Filming Continues

The Doctor Who team are still filming in the graveyard and some lovely photos including some very nice ones of the Doctor and Amy can be seen here.

Huge thanks to Scooty for taking and sharing them.


The Wedding of Sarah Jane Smith Trailers

Here is the TV trailer for The Wedding of Sarah Jane Smith I was referring to yesterday:

As you can see, The Trickster has put the church in limbo (as he did with Maria back in Series One) as I rightly predicted.

Also, here is the Next Time trailer:

I really can not wait!


Saturday, 24 October 2009

The News Through Time And Space Calendar

After a short delay, I am now able to announce the brand new News Through Time and Space Calendar! It's a new, online, interactive calendar which is full of all sorts of Doctor Who dates - from upcoming releases to TV broadcasts! You'll never miss an important Who date ever again!

You can click on any item on the calendar for more details and you can also decide whether you want to view the calendar by week, month or as an agenda! It's brilliant!

I really hope this helps people keep up to date with all Doctor Who dates!
Please feel free to send me feedback - it's greatly appreciated.

There are a few changes I need to make (E.g You currently need to scroll down to see the calendar - I've been trying to fix that but at the moment it doesn't seem possible) which I will do soon but it's here and that's the main thing.


There will be a link in the sidebar shortly but for now, please use the links in this post.


SJA Update

I was right!
I said that it looked like in The Wedding of Sarah Jane Smith, The Trickster puts the church in "limbo" and I was right! I just saw a new trailer (Not the next time trailer) on the CBBC channel (After The Mad Woman in the Attic repeat) and it showed the church clearly in limbo. Also, as soon as The Doctor runs in and shouts "Stop this wedding now!", the Trickster appears and makes himself along with Sarah Jane and Peter disappear.

Wow, this looks very exciting.
We'll have the trailer up as soon as it becomes available!


The Wedding of Sarah Jane Smith Teasers

Digital Spy have shared some great teasers from next week's SJ adventure, The Wedding of Sarah Jane Smith. I have posted them below but some are a bit cryptic so I have added my thoughts on those ones in italic.

1. DT is technically in both episodes, but he doesn't appear right until the end of the first one. His opening words? "Stop this wedding now!"

2. Ahh yes, the wedding. Sarah Jane is getting married! To Nigel Havers. Erm, correction: a businessman called Peter Dalton who is played by Nigel Havers.

3. Yes, their relationship moves quickly - although there is a lot of use of things like "one week later".

4. But that aside, there's definitely something untoward going on here. Who's to blame? Why, it's Sarah Jane's old friend The Trickster!

5. When The Doctor shows up, he's quickly parted from Sarah Jane (and the TARDIS). He's got the kids to help him out, though.

6. The Doctor says two of his standard catchphrases: "Allons-y" and "I'm so sorry."

7. The Doctor is referred to as "the man of ice and fire" and is told that "the gate is waiting for you".
Reference to The End of Time but what gate? The Gate of Elysium? And presumably, it's the Trickster who says it

8. One of the kids receives a massive shock. Literally.
Electric shock and presumably, it's Clyde who gets it because in the Series Three trailer, him and the Trickster are sort of giving eachother electric shocks

9. Words are nice, but here are two exclusive pictures from the episodes:

10. The story ends with an exchange between Sarah Jane and The Doctor that provoked tears at DS Towers. And she has a final line that we'll all be thinking around Christmas time: "No-one's **** ***** ** ****** ***."
No-one's ever going to defeat you

I for one am extremely excited!

Also, there are some advance screenings of The Wedding of Sarah Jane Smith in Liverpool today which, no doubt, everyone will be posting about. It will probably ruin many surprises in the episodes but there's not much chance of being able to avoid the spoilers so I will be posting anything that other people post.


Friday, 23 October 2009

Doctor Who: Children In Need

Russell had said this before but it has now been confirmed - this Children in Need, we will see a preview of the Christmas special like last year.

This means that by 20th November (CiN), we will have seen The Waters of Mars so it's most likely going to be broadcast on Saturday 7th November or Saturday 14th! Not long then!

Oh and don't forget we'll be celebrating Children in Need here at News Through Time And Space and raising money! Hopefully the celebrations and fundraising will start on 1st November after our Halloween celebration and competition! Stay tuned!


The Mad Woman in the Attic: Part 2

Here are my thoughts on Part 2 of The Mad Woman in the Attic.

Bad points:
- Do they have to use Clyde's intro every episode? It's just getting annoying
 - Sarah Jane's flashbacks were very undramatic and fast
- If time was changed so that Luke was still alive, surely Luke would have SJ's house?

Good points:
- Bit with future and past Rani ending sentences in mirror together was good
- K9! Hooray! 
- "I'm in a spaceship under a beach" Best line ever
- Mr Smith: Will you be staying here now?
  K9: Affirmative
  Mr Smith: Oh...good
  Ha ha! I look forward to more scenes with the two of them!
- An alien, a spaceship, a caretaker and a teenager!? That's a spinoff just waiting to happen! Lol!
- Great twist with the boy fixing time. Didn't see that coming. I thought it would be resolved in current time, not future.
- The trailer for next time was great. Looks like as soon as The Doctor runs in saying "Stop this wedding now!", the whole room starts shaking and that's when The Trickster appears. I think the church is then put into "limbo" (Like Maria was in Whatever Happened To Sarah Jane) because in trailers, the Trickster is seen floating around outside the church just like in limbo.

Overall a really good episode. The best in the series so far. Series Three is starting to look up.


Sarah Jane Adventures News

Lots of SJA news!

First of all, don't forget that part 2 of The Mad Woman in the Attic is on today at 4:35pm on BBC1.

Here are some of my thoughts on Part 1:
- Much, much better than Prisoner of the Judoon but still not living up to Series Two
- I hate the new format! 25 minutes just seems too short!
- The future scenes are set in the same year as The Waters of Mars is set
- Nice reference to the Time War

Part 2 looks like it's going to be great especially since we're going to see The Doctor!
Yes, that's right! Infact, we'll be seeing three of them!
In the same way that Eve looked into Rani's future in part 1, she'll look into Sarah Jane's future in part 2 but will also look into her past! So we will see flashbacks of the Third and Fourth Doctor's (Footage will be from The Time Warrior, Planet of the Spiders, The Hand of Fear and The Five Doctor's) and as for the future, we will see the TARDIS materializing in Sarah Jane's attic with the phrase "He is returning, he is coming back". Then towards the end of the episode, there's another glimpse into the future where we'll see the Tenth Doctor and we don't mean the next time trailer! And if that's not enough for you, K9 is finally back too! But Mr Smith isn't very pleased about that.

Also, there is a two page spread in the Radio Times about next week's story, The Wedding of Sarah Jane Smith, which sees The Trickster and The Doctor finally meet. 

The story has also made the front cover of Total TV Guide:

A lovely promotional picture for The Wedding of Sarah Jane Smith has now been released and can be seen below:

And there are lots of brilliant photos from the episode over on Den of Geek including some lovely photos of the SJA gang onboard the TARDIS and of the Trickster at the wedding!
Make sure you check them out!

And that's it for now!
Next week looks very exciting though!


New Blog Feature!

It is with great pleasure that I can announce a new feature to the blog!

I've only been working on it for two days but I think it is just about ready.
I'm not saying what it is yet but I will say that it will help you keep up to date with all upcoming Doctor Who merchandise, TV, etc.

So, the new feature will be launched at 6pm tomorrow (Saturday 24th October)!

Oh and for those of you who don't know, I also have many other features in store for the blog including a new design, new pages and something else which I'm keeping to myself for now and if all goes to plan, it will all be launched sometime on New Years Day!
That gives me time to sort everything out and it seems fitting to launch a new design at New Years. 

The reason I'm launching this early is because I only thought of it on Wednesday and although I was originally going to launch it with everything else at New Years, I am very excited about this and it didn't take long to organize so I can launch it tomorrow!

Hope you all like it!


Doctor Who Figures Online Is Back!


The Doctor Who Figures Online website is back and it's looking better than ever with a lovely new logo and banner! 
The forum is also back up so make sure you visit and get posting!


Thursday, 22 October 2009

TARDIS Interior, New Monster - Exciting Filming

Yesterday, filming took place at a graveyard and a new alien was on the scene:

Click to enlarge

So what is it? A new monster or something we`ve seen before?
Some people think it could be a Sea Devil or Silurian. I think a Sea Devil is possible. After all, there were rumours of Sea Devils in episode one. Although, is it me or does it look a little like...

The Veil!

But more exciting is the TARDIS!
This is what Scooty (Who took the photos) said: is the TARDIS interior as we saw it on location. We all couldn't believe it when we saw it there, at the front gates of the Churchyard, in plain site of the dozens of people watching - the crew didn't seem to bat an eyelid that we could see it...

What is he talking about?

How exciting!
Is it the new TARDIS interior or is it just a trick to mislead us?
Time will tell!

Thanks Scooty

Sorry everyone. I wanted to post this much earlier in the hope that we would be one of the first blogs to post about it (After all, most people who visit here go somewhere else to see the news first which is a bit disappointing) but my laptop crashed and it took a good few hours to get it going again. So sorry.


2009 Specials News

In the latest issue of SFX, Russell and David discuss what's still in store for us in the three remaining specials.

Here's some information from it:

In the Waters of Mars (Which we discover in SFX is set in 2059), The Doctor and Adelaide are like two equals and at times, two rivals. As everyone else has said, it is very scary but we learn that they had to change one aspect of the monster on set to avoid traumatising children. Although it's an under-siege story, initial drafts had them all getting in a shuttle and flying to a hydroponic plant.

As for The End of Time, there are little aliens that appear throughout the story. Could these be slaves to the Master? I think we can assume that these are the little green aliens that Russell referred to earlier in the year. This adventure is Earth-bound but it doesn't all happen on Earth. After saying that, David asks if he's said too much. Obviously, he must be referring to Gallifrey!

Finally, in the last three specials, The Doctor experiences emotions which we haven't seen him experience before, and doing things which Tennant hadn't even conceived that the character could do before.

It's all getting very exciting now!

The Waters of Mars will be broadcast next month and part one of The End of Time will be broadcast in December with part 2 following either later that month or early January.

SFX is out today at the RRP of £3.99


Doctor Who - Project 3

Something I've been meaning to post about for a week now.

Earlier in the year, Russell T Davies said that the Doctor Who team were working on three special projects (Not the specials) to do with The Doctor for this year.
The first was The Doctor in Sarah Jane Adventures.
The second was Dreamland.
But we still knew nothing about the third. Rumours suggested it would be a Children in Need mini episode but Russell denied this and said that they didn't have time to do a CiN scene this year and so they would just show a preview of part 1 of "The End of Time" as they did last year with "The Next Doctor".
Then, Russell announced with great sadness that the third project had fallen through.

But in the latest issue of DWM, he says otherwise:
Just this morning, I saw the edit of Special Project 3 - it's not for Children in Need, it's something else - and it looks amazing, though God knows what it'll do to canon!

Very exciting!
So just what is the third project?
Some people seem to think it will be Doctor Who Christmas Idents but as much as I would love this, I don't think it is that because he says "God knows what it'll do to canon!".
What do you think it is?


DVD Files Issue 21

The 21st issue of the Doctor Who DVD Files is released today and this issue comes with the Series Three finale "Last of the Time Lords" as well as the 2007 Christmas Special "Voyage of the Damned".

Available now from all good newsagents!


The Doctor Who Figures Online Forum Returns Today!

For a few days now, there have been some problems at the brilliant Doctor Who Figures Online. The homepage has not been working due to problems with the site's host and recently the forum has also not been working. However, the forum will be returning today! If you visit the forum at the moment, you'll see this message:

Sorry - the forum is offline. But it WILL now be up later today - depending on my host.. See you then!

So make sure you visit the forum later! It's gonna be great to have it back!
We'll let you know as soon as it is up and running!


Tuesday, 20 October 2009

Halloween Contest!

To celebrate Halloween here at News Through Time And Space, we're having a competition.
All you have to do is take a Halloween related/themed photo of some Doctor Who figures.
That's the only rule of what you can do - the rest is up to you.

It can be a dramatic picture, a funny picture (possibly with a caption), anything you like.

Rules and how to enter:
- Take your photo and email it to me at before 6pm on 30th October
- The winner will be announced on October 31st here on the blog at 6pm (Time is subject to change)
- The competition is exclusive to News Through Time And Space and your entry must be emailed to us
- You may only make one entry so if you have more than one idea, take your photos atleast a few days before the closing date so you have time to choose your favourite

We have an unbelievable amount of prizes up for grabs as you can see below:

- 1st Place: Dalek Bag, Doctor Who Series One Volume One DVD, Doctor Who Series One Volume Four DVD, Mini TARDIS and some Power Rollers, Doctor Who Pencil Case, Moving TARDIS notepad, exclusive Davros top trumps card, Classic Doctor Who DVD's, the Stone Rose audio (Only part 2, sadly), Davros planner, Doctor Who Quiz Book, Doctor Who: Forever Autumn (The perfect read for halloween), Forbidden Planet leaflet and Doctor Who stickers

- 2nd Place: Doctor Who DVD Files Volume One (DVD), Planet of the Dead pencil case and stationary, Doctor Who notepad and a Dalek sticker pack

- 3rd Place: Rose DVD, Plastic Fob Watch, Cyber Leader Mask, Cyber Pencil Case

Lots of brilliant prizes there!

Some of the prizes are a bit bizarre so let me explain some:
Stone Rose Audio (Part 2) - I know it's only Part 2 but I found it when sorting out my room and thought I may as well throw it in with the prize
Forbidden Planet Leaflet - Very random but I have two and the cover is of the first three Doctors in figure form and looks lovely so I thought I'd throw that in too
Some of the prizes are free gifts, I'm not denying that, but it's still more for the prize!

Please Note: We reserve the right to change any prizes if it is necessary. We hope it does not happen but there is a small chance that we may have to for postage reasons. If this does happen, you will still recieve a prize of some sorts and we will do our best to make sure you are happy.

So, certainly worth entering.

I have just ordered something today which I should have by Friday and at the weekend I hope to take some photos (using this item) to give everyone some ideas but you can of course enter now! You have 10 days!

I know some forums are doing similar Halloween contests but I decided to do the same type of contest for the following reasons:
- It is a simple type of contest that is easy to enter
- Other people had suggested it to me before other forums launched their competitions
- This way, people who have entered the other competitions can easily enter this one too and therefore, we get much more entries

Any questions? Don`t hesitate to ask!
Just leave a message in the cbox or email us.

Please enter and spread the word! I`ve put alot of work into this contest and really want a fair few entries!
Sorry if the contest doesn`t seem well organized but I have been very busy. Future contests will be better (*Cough* Children In Need *Cough*).

So celebrate Halloween here at News Through Time And Space and enter the exclusive News Through Time And Space Halloween Contest!

Get your camera`s at the ready!


Sunday, 18 October 2009

Lets Hear It For Chandra!

Hi everyone,

I just got back from camping and would just like to publicly thank Chandra for his amazing work on the blog.
He's posted every little bit of news and has done a brilliant job! He's also caught up with news for me after I fell behind earlier in the week due to an upcoming competition (Launching tomorrow if all goes to plan)!
He has done a truly brilliant job!

The latest bit of news about the Sontaran gun is absolutely brilliant! I'm so happy that we are the first blog to report it! That's brilliant and if we do that sort of thing enough, it could bring more people to the blog! Obviously, there's no proof that it's Sontarans but it definitely is a Sontaran gun. Even if it's not Sontarans, who cares? When it comes to things like this speculation is all the fun! Perhaps it's just a Sontaran gun in a museum in the future which the Mona Lisa grabs or perhaps it's what we all want to see - the return of Kaagh! After all when it comes to SJA, we don't know much about upcoming episodes. We saw hardly any filming and there are many shocks in store that we don't know about - for all we know Maria could be in the Wedding of Sarah Jane Smith?!? So very exciting news there.

The campsite I go to is closing for the Winter now so I won't be going again this year so I just want to thank Chandra for the brilliant work he's done every time I've been away. I've been able to enjoy all of my holidays safe in the knowledge that my blog was being well looked after. I'm sure you'll agree that Chandra has done a great job over the past few months so...

Thank You Chandra!

Oh and like I said, I will hopefully be launching our Halloween Contest tomorrow if all goes to plan so stay tuned!

Thanks everyone (Especially Chandra!)


Sontaran connection in Mona Lisa's Revenge?

I think your going to like this. I was flicking through this weeks DWA, when I found this picture:

The picture is of Mona Lisa after she has come to life in 3.9 and 3.10. But on closer inspection, the gun that she is wielding is a Sontarans! Last seen being held by Commander Kaagh is series 2 (below).

I have looked all over the internet and I can't see anyone else that has realised this yet. Remember, you heard it here first! I was very lucky to notice it! If your going to re-post this information to your blog, please credit ours.

Here is a more detailed look at the blaster. Click on it to enlarge it and get a better view:

So what do you think? Coincidental or not? I do doubt that the Sontarans are in the episode, but this is a slight breakthrough.



Info on the Key to Time collection re-release

Join the popular Fourth Doctor (Tom Baker) and the beautiful Romana on a 26-episode intergalactic treasure hunt for the six segments of the all-powerful Key to Time. It is being re-released in a standard slip case.

Includes all six stories from the popular series:

o The Ribos Operation,

o The Pirate Planet,

o The Stones of Blood,

o The Androids of Tara,

o The Power of Kroll

o The Armageddon Factor.

Below is a picture of the previous packaging style.

It is due for release on 16/11/2009. I think this is much better as you are able to display the spines of the DVD's now.



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