Series Five Has Begun!
Spoilers (as a certain someone would say)!!!
The rumours were correct and the filming of Series Five began today.
All day, we've been getting pictures and fans have been getting more and more excited, more and more confused and in some cases more and more angry.
The first picture of the day was a picture of Matt Smith and Karen Gillan in costume:
Everyone began to talk about Matt Smith's outfit.
Some love it. Some hate it. What's your opinion? Leave a comment.
As this was announced, it was also announced that the companion played by Karen Gillan would be called Amy Pond.
Most people seem to hate her second name.
Then a little later on, we got pictures of them with the TARDIS and many fans filled with anger.
The TARDIS has returned to a Classic exterior.
Some fans are fine with this but many are angry.
The Nine/Ten era TARDIS was the favourite of many people including myself and there doesn't seem to be a good reason for changing it and certainly not changing it so drastically.
The change of the exterior means that the interior is more than likely changed too.
Many fans are angry because there is too much change in Series Five.
Then later on, fans were a little happier as some more pictures were posted which included a familiar face:
Professor River Song is back!
It was always going to happen wasn't it? Moffat created her after all.
Will her story be explained or will we still be left asking questions?
Some people think that both her and Amy Pond will be companions and some people think she's just in this one episode.
This may be the last time we see her though because in Forest of the Dead she said to The Doctor "The last time I saw you, the real you, the future you, I mean - you turned up on my doorstep, with a new haircut and a suit".
This certainly sounds like Matt Smith and she says "The last time I saw you" so we may not see River again after this. This may just be them meeting one last time with flashbacks explaining their relationship and adventures together.
- Some people believe that Matt Smith is an alternate or younger version of The First Doctor which would explain the classic TARDIS and why in an interview, when asked about David Tennant's regeneration, Russell T Davies said "Or do you get to see the regeneration? We may have a few tricks up our sleeves".
- There are many theories about River Song returning but they have been covered above.
There will be lots of exciting news now that filming has begun and probably more today so watch this space!
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