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Monday, 27 July 2009

Lucy Saxon Returns!

Yes, that's right.
Lucy Saxon is returning alongside The Master in The End of Time.

This is from the official Doctor Who website:

"And the Master isn't the only familiar figure returning from Doctor Who's recent past. Executive Producer Russell T Davies, who wrote David Tennant's final episodes, confirmed that Alexandra Moen is back as Lucy Saxon, the character we previously saw in The Sound of Drums and The Last of the Time Lords. Although married to the Master she put a serious dent in their relationship by shooting him but what happened to her after the events of Series Three has remained a mystery, so far..."

I'm personally a bit annoyed about that. I didn't have a problem with her or anything in Series Three but I don't see why she needs to return. I think The Master seems like more of a threat when he's alone. After all, who's scarier; A crazy, lone, evil genius or a married, evil genius.

Oh well.

You can read the article on the Doctor Who website here.


Now, as I'm sure you all know, yesterday at Comic Con there was a Doctor Who Panel consisting of David Tennant and Russell T Davies among other names from the world of Who.
They released two trailers there.
The first is a very exciting new trailer for The Waters of Mars.
You can view this below:

A trailer for The End of Time was also shown.
There isn't a good quality copy anywhere but I can show you an okay quality version:

I think you'll agree that it looks very exciting.
And if you look carefully, at 0:20, there is a woman who looks very much like Harriet Jones.

Is it her?

I think so. We never saw her die in The Stolen Earth so I think The Master needs her and saved her or something like that. You may remember that in The Stolen Earth, when the Subwave Network (The Outer Space Facebook) launched, The Master's drumbeat could be heard.

I hope she's not returning though. It just doesn't seem necessary.

We'll get a better quality version of the trailer up as soon as one is released.

One thing's for sure; Christmas is gonna be very exciting and Tennant is gonna go out with a bang



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