Here at News Through Time and Space, the fan-run spoiler-free blog, we aim to bring you the latest news concerning Doctor Who and everything related. We hope you'll continue to check back regularly and enjoy the site! Thank You!

Wednesday, 29 July 2009

SDCC Jack Review!

Hi Everyone.

I received my SDCC Torchwood Jack from Sci Fi Collector yesterday.
He is really amazing.

I seem to be the only person on the DWFO Forum who has received him so far though so I am not sure why that is.

Anyway, to celebrate his release, I put a review of him in the News Through Time And Space Magazine.

I have decided to show you all that page as a taster of what is in store in the magazine, so here it is:

Click to enlarge image

I apologise that the page is so crowded but I just could not get it all to fit on the page.
I am disappointed because when I started, the Jack image was blank and looked nice but now he is just covered in writing so sorry about that.
I have decided that next issue the page size will be bigger. I just made a box for the front cover and have been basing all of the pages on the same size rather than making them A4. I can not change it now because it would mess everything up but it will all be improved in issue two.

Also, just an update on the magazine:
So far I have completed eight pages and I from what I can see so far, it looks like there will be 15 pages.
It is coming along nicely and should not be too much longer.

I am also continuing work on the expansion of the blog but that is very difficult so I want to get the magazine out of the way first.

Sorry for the delay in posting the news lately, this magazine has been taking up so much time.

I will be catching up on news very soon.

Thanks everyone,


Tuesday, 28 July 2009

Is Rose in The Waters of Mars?

Below are four identical frames from the Waters Of Mars trailer, at 23 seconds there is some interference, if you play it frame by frame, this is seen, below are some enhanced pictures.

Some people think this is Rose.
Is it her? Could it be?

Also, some people think it`s a teddy bear the person is holding and some people think it`s a baby.

If it is Rose and it is a baby, is it baby Tony or has Rose had a child? Too many questions!

I personally don`t think it is Rose. I think it`s either a wife of daughter of one of the crew members on Mars sending a message. If it`s a wife it could be a baby she`s holding and if it`s a daughter it could be a teddy.

On the other hand, if it`s just a regular normal character, why have they hidden her in the trailer rather than a regular clip or shot of her?

Time will tell.


Monday, 27 July 2009

Lucy Saxon Returns!

Yes, that's right.
Lucy Saxon is returning alongside The Master in The End of Time.

This is from the official Doctor Who website:

"And the Master isn't the only familiar figure returning from Doctor Who's recent past. Executive Producer Russell T Davies, who wrote David Tennant's final episodes, confirmed that Alexandra Moen is back as Lucy Saxon, the character we previously saw in The Sound of Drums and The Last of the Time Lords. Although married to the Master she put a serious dent in their relationship by shooting him but what happened to her after the events of Series Three has remained a mystery, so far..."

I'm personally a bit annoyed about that. I didn't have a problem with her or anything in Series Three but I don't see why she needs to return. I think The Master seems like more of a threat when he's alone. After all, who's scarier; A crazy, lone, evil genius or a married, evil genius.

Oh well.

You can read the article on the Doctor Who website here.


Now, as I'm sure you all know, yesterday at Comic Con there was a Doctor Who Panel consisting of David Tennant and Russell T Davies among other names from the world of Who.
They released two trailers there.
The first is a very exciting new trailer for The Waters of Mars.
You can view this below:

A trailer for The End of Time was also shown.
There isn't a good quality copy anywhere but I can show you an okay quality version:

I think you'll agree that it looks very exciting.
And if you look carefully, at 0:20, there is a woman who looks very much like Harriet Jones.

Is it her?

I think so. We never saw her die in The Stolen Earth so I think The Master needs her and saved her or something like that. You may remember that in The Stolen Earth, when the Subwave Network (The Outer Space Facebook) launched, The Master's drumbeat could be heard.

I hope she's not returning though. It just doesn't seem necessary.

We'll get a better quality version of the trailer up as soon as one is released.

One thing's for sure; Christmas is gonna be very exciting and Tennant is gonna go out with a bang


Sunday, 26 July 2009

The Doctor in SJA

As I`m sure you know, The Doctor is going to be in an episode of Series Three of SJA.
And as I`m sure you know, SJ is supposed to get married in one episode.

There had been rumours that those two things would happen in the same episode...

Well now it`s been confirmed.

RTD revealed at Comic Con that the two-parter that The Doctor is appearing in is called `The Wedding of Sarah Jane Smith`.

I think this may be the episode The Trickster appears in. Just have a feeling. And just a similarity: The Temptation of Sarah Jane Smith - The Wedding of Sarah Jane Smith. Not that that means anything; just an interesting similarity.

I`ve got it!
SJ gets married to a giant Graske in disguise XD
Or a Slitheen, or a Blathereen or...

The list goes on. :P


Torchwood: Series Four

In response to the great viewing figures of Torchwood: Children of Earth, a rep at Comc Con for BBC America has said that Torchwood has been picked up for a forth season by the BBC! There is no more information at the moment. We don`t know when it will air, if it will be a full series or a mini series, who will be in it etc.
But it`s very exciting though

A press release is to follow but we don`t know when that will be.


David Tennant's Final Episode

The title of David Tennant`s final adventure has been revealed at Comic Con!

The End of Time!
Sounds exciting!

It was also confirmed that John Simm is back as The Master!

A trailer was shown with him in. It`s not yet on YouTube but I have read about it and it sounds very exciting.
We`ll have it up as soon as possible.


Doctor Who News

IO9 has an interview with David Tennant and Julie Gardner which reveals some interesting stuff.

Tennant and Gardner say that there is no news about a Doctor Who movie and the rumours of an announcement of one being made at Comic Con tomorrow is not true.

David says that if every single audience member at Comic-Con comes to the panel dressed as The Tenth Doctor, he will do the panel in the nude!

They confirm that John Simm really is coming back, and Timothy Dalton is also guest-starring (Yes, we already know this but now they've confirmed it!)

Euros Lyn says that he showed the Tennant to Smith regeneration scene (This confirms that The Doctor will regenerate after there were rumours of The Doctor just continuing on his travels allowing space for a movie staring Tennant) to composer Murray Gold who bawled like a baby!

And sadly Russell T Davies said you shouldn't expect to see his supporting cast Martha, Mickey, Wilf, etc. turn up in the show after writer/producer Steven Moffat takes over. He says that Moffat is welcome to use the characters if he so wishes but Russell says Moffat will want to create his own characters.
Russell ends the interview by saying "Of course, for all I know, he (Moffat) could phoning them all up in Cardiff right now."

Wouldn't that be great if he was...

You can read the full interview here. I highly advice you do, it's a great read!


Sarah Jane Adventures: Series Three filming completed

SarahJaneTV are reporting that filming of The Sarah Jane Adventures Series 3 is finished after four months of filming and the wrap party was last week! Work is still in progress on CGI/effects and music of course.

We haven't had many set reports from filming though but we still do know quite alot.

You may remember that a while ago, Russell T Davies said:
"The series includes 12 weeks of brand new adventures featuring a new alien race, the reptilian Veil and their enemies the Judoon, alongside an extraterrestrial girl that can make people play games against their will.

There will also be a living painting, the inhabitants of a supposedly haunted house, monsters who want to infect Earth with a strangely aggressive weed and a chance for Sarah Jane to find personal happiness with someone who could be the perfect person to complete her family"

And now we have this from SFX Magazine: We've got another Trickster story, we've also got the return of the Slitheen for the end of the series, and this time we meet their 'interesting' cousins, the Blathereen.

So we've got quite a few familiar faces:
The Judoon
The Trickster
The Slitheen
And The Doctor

I must say though, I hope this is The Trickster's last story and he doesn't return in Series Four. He was good as a one time villain. I could live with him returning in Series Two but I don't think this story will be very good. He's just not really ideal for a returning villain. I hope to be proved wrong though.


Saturday, 25 July 2009

1000 Hits in 5 Days!

We've just reached 1000 hits here and I would just like to thank everyone who has been on this blog, commented on this blog and most of all those who have signed up for a free subscription!

I really am so happy and I hope people continue to visit allowing the blog to get bigger, better and more popular.

I am currently working on expanding the blog with more pages but it is a long, difficult process which will take time.
I'm also working on an online magazine (Which I would love your content for. Stuff like pictures, letters etc. Just like in most magazines. Please PM me if interested) and have many more plans and ideas for the site.

Thanks so much all of you.

Also, thanks very much to timelord6 for subscribing meaning we now have three subscribers.
Who will be number four? Will be it be you?
Click here to read about subscribing.

Thanks everyone!


SDCC Jack: Available now!

Limited numbers of the SDCC Torchwood Jack are now available on - just click here.

If you can please say 'As recommended by' in the comments box. Thanks!"

Thanks very much to the owner of Doctor Who Figures Online (Seb) for that information.

So get a SDCC Jack now! I just did!
Be quick though!

And please do mention in the comments box as the above message requests.

Edit: Further information from Seb:
"...And shortly after our last post I had a further tipoff of something very special from Scificollector.

The SDCC Jack is available for £14.99 generally (see other thread) or for £29.99 signed by Gareth David Lloyd - aka Ianto. ONLY 24 ARE AVALIABLE! SO BE VERY, VERY QUICK IF YOU WANT ONE!

Just see here.

And, if you can, please put 'As recommended by' in the comments box. Thanks!"


New Figure Photos

Exciting new pictures of the Third Doctor figure packs have been taken at SDCC and they look even better now!

I'm sure you'll agree that they look amazing!

You can pre-order them from either Forbidden Planet. Here and here for Forbidden Planet or here and here for Forbidden Planet International.

They cost £24.99 each and are expected for 30th October 2009.

I've pre-ordered both sets. Will you be ordering these


Also, we now have a close up picture of the Regeneration Sixth Doctor (although we still don`t know anything about him):



We also have a picture of the second Dalek Collectors Set:



And finally, a picture of the Fourth Doctor Adventure Set has been posted:



How exciting!


Doctor Who: Children In Need

We now know what Doctor Who treat we'll be getting for Children In Need thanks to a part of this interview:

DAN: Also, Doctor Who often film a special sketch for Children In Need. Is that going to happen again this year?

RTD: No. No plans this year. We simply didn't have time. I know there are lots of rumours flying about. But no, there's nothing. We'll do what we did last year, and show the opening pre-titles sequence of the next special...


As I'm sure you'll remember, a while ago Russell T Davies said that they were hoping to produce three Doctor Who Projects this year (Not including the specials) staring David Tennant.
The first one is that David Tennant will be in an episode of The Sarah Jane Adventures.
The second is the "Dreamland" Animated Story.

There had been strong rumours that a Children in Need mini scene would be the third project but now we know it's not.

So what could it be?


Thursday, 23 July 2009

Third Doctor Figures: Photos!

Forums have been packed, fans have been waiting with excitement and we weren't left disappointed.
There were strong rumours that we'd get photos of the Jon Pertwee figures around 11pm tonight and we did!

We were all led to believe that they would be actual photos though as they were supposed to be unveiled at Comic Con 40 minutes ago so perhaps we may get some more pictures.

But, these pictures have been found:

I'm sure you'll agree that one word sums them up..."Stunning".

Those Pertwee's are outstanding!

The site we found them on do have them for sale but it's an American site.
I'm sure Forbidden Planet will have them up tomorrow so watch this space!

More news as and when we get it!


*Screams with excitement*


Just so you know, I'm going to be working tomorrow for a bit of money (To put towards these) so I won't be able to post more info about these until tomorrow afternoon. Sorry


Free Big Finish Audio Story Download

In this months DWM, you can download the brand new Mists of Time (Part of The Companion Chronicles in which friends and allies of The Doctor recount previously untold adventures) staring The Third Doctor and Jo Grant (Katy Manning) along with Calder (Andrew Whipp).

When Jo finds herself on a distant planet in the far future, she is greeted by an archaeologist, Calder, who is marooned on the deserted world. With no memory of how she arrived, Calder reminds her that they've met before - and she starts to recall a tale of ghosts and murders and a terrible Time Lord secret.

You can download this story for free by clicking here and entering the code 01795.

But if anyone asks, I never told you that

This offer expires on Wednesday 14th October 2009.



Pictures of the upcoming figures

It gives me great pleasure to show you all some beautiful pictures of the FP Exclusive figures.

And I have to say, I think I prefer the Black and White versions.

Aren't they stunning.
And the good news is they're ours in just 4 days.
Forbidden Planet are sending them TOMORROW to meet the Monday release date.

I am so glad that I ordered all five sets because the B&W versions look beautiful - much better than I thought they would be.

Roll on Monday!


Once again, many thanks to Matt from the Doctor Who Figures Online Forum for the information


New Sixth Doctor Figure!

A picture has been taken of an unexpected, new figure which was unveiled at Comic Con today.

Regeneration Sixth Doctor!

We don't know much else about this figure yet. It's unknown if it will be exclusive or limited but there are rumours that it will be released in August.

So a very unexpected figure but a very welcome one.
Hope your wallet's ready though.

Also, underneath the Sixth Doctor you can see the top of the Second Doctor and Cyberman in packaging and presumably that's the Blue Shirt SDCC Torchwood Jack on the right. So this is a showcase of new figures.

Hopefully the Third Doctor's will be unveiled later.

And we thought this was going to be a quiet year for figures!
2009: The Year of (Expensive) Classics!


Many thanks to Matt from the Doctor Who Figures Online Forum for the information


New Beginnings

There have been rumours that Series Five would be branded as Series One for a while now but it has now been confirmed in Doctor Who Magazine.

Bit of a shame and could get confusing with merchandise branding such as DVD'S.

No big deal though.


The Mill continues to provide special effects

As filming on the new series gets underway, The Mill confirms that they will be providing the special effects for Matt Smith's first series as The Doctor.

It has now been announced that The Mill (The team who create the CGI and Special Effects on Doctor Who and it's spinoffs) has won the contract to handle the special effects on the new series.

Hooray! Atleast that's one thing that's not changing.

The Adipose - Just one of The Mill's brilliant creations


Sarah Jane Adventures: Series Four

Brilliant news!
There will be a fourth series of the Sarah Jane Adventures.

This is from Doctor Who Magazine Issue 411:
Although we're still a couple of months away from transmission of Series Three, everything is looking positive for the future, as Russell T Davies explains: "While we;re yet to dot the i's and cross the t's, early pre-production work on a fourth series of SJA has begun in earnest. We've had a meeting with all the writers - with some new names in the mix - and storylines are already being prepared. And they're excellent stuff - I think there's some amazing stories yet to be told! We've got huge support from CBBC, which is hugely appreciated, so all being well, we should be able to make an announcement soon - proving what we've always known: Sarah Jane Smith is just unstoppable! But as always, it's a testament to Lis, Tommy, Daniel and Anjil that the programme is held in such high regard both within the BBC, and by the viewing public.


Hooray! What fantastic news!
Although, I do fear that Series Four may be the final series.
Think about what Russell said: "I think there's some amazing stories yet to be told!"
That got me thinking. This show is a bit limited compared to Doctor Who because it's set purely on Earth and so eventually, they are going to run out of stories so unfortunately, I think Series Four will be the end.


Torchwood: Children of Earth - Final Ratings

The official figures for Torchwood's third series, Children of Earth, have now been released by BARB and we now know the approximate amount of viewers that each episode of the series received when they aired earlier this month in the United Kingdom.
Each episode of the series had an approximate running time of sixty minutes and all five parts aired over five consecutive nights on BBC One at 9pm from the sixth of July to the tenth of July.
Day One, the first episode of the series, received 6.47 million viewers.
The following part, Day Two, was watched by a total of 6.14 million people.
Day Three, the third part of Children of Earth, saw the show's ratings rise with a viewing figure of 6.4 million.
The fourth part of the series, Day Four, managed to receive the season's highest ratings with an audience of 6.76 million people. Day Five, the fifth and final part of Children of Earth, was watched by a total of 6.58 million people and many people also watched the episodes on the BBC's HD channel.

What do you think of these final ratings?


Wednesday, 22 July 2009

Sarah Jane Adventures News

It is confirmed in DWM Issue 411 that once again, Sarah Jane Adventures will be shown on both BBC1 and CBBC!

Also, earlier this month at The Bad Wolf Convention, Elizabeth Sladen confirmed that Series Three is being filmed in HD! Hooray!

And finally, Lizo Mzimba will be appearing in an episode.


John Leeson to voice K9!

This months Doctor Who magazine brings the very welcome news that John Leeson will voice K9 in the new series. This has come some what as a surprise.

The trailer released some months ago had an Australian voiceover although it did state this would change.

John leeson has voice K9 for many years, most recently in the new series and The Sarah jane Adventures.


The Time Lords Are Back!

There have been many rumours about the Time Lords returning in the Christmas Special and a few weeks back a photo was leaked on the internet of David Tennant (Dresses as The Doctor), John Simm (Dresses in black clothes) and Timothy Dalton (In Time Lord Robes). Some people refused to believe that the photo was real despite how realistic it looked.

But now, anyone who was still in doubt can not deny the return of the Time Lords any longer.

This is on Robert Bailey`s CV:
2009, Television, "Time Lord", DR WHO XMAS SPECIAL 2009, BBC

So Robert Bailey is appearing in the Christmas Special as a Time Lord and rumours say that he will be Leader of the Time Lord Council.

I for one am looking forward to Christmas!


Just an update on the magazine.
I have so far completed 5 of the 12 pages so work is coming along nicely.
However, I need your help.
Could you please send in some stuff for a page in the magazine where readers submit things.
It can be absolutely anything. A letter about some of the recent figure or filming news, a picture of your figures (re-enacting a scene) etc.
Basically anything.
It`s basically just a page where people send stuff in just like any other magazine.
Please PM me on the Doctor Who Figures Online Forum or send me an email at


Filming Update!

Yesterday, they went back to the beach for filming and we`ve got some great pictures (Click to enlarge):

River Song in handcuffs there!

But the most interesting picture is this:

Take a look at that sign on the floor.
Can`t see it?

Take a look at this enhanced image (Thanks to Life, Doctor Who & Combom):


Now, back in Silence in the Library, River Song said to The Doctor:
OK, shall we do diaries, then? Where are we this time? Uh, going by your face, I'd say its early days for you. Yes? So, um... (she flips pages in the book) Crash of the Byzantium, have we done that yet?

So this is obviously the Crash of the Byzantium!

How exciting!

I`d just like to thank my laptop for freezing and making that post take half an hour to type -_-



Hi All!

Just a quick update!

First of all, work on the magazine is coming along very well and I am currently on page 4.

Also, there is alot of news today so please have patience.
I have added all of the figure news and I am waiting for more filming news before I add what I have so far.

On a side note, I would just like to thank our second subscriber - Teh BURN.

Please everyone, tell anyone you know about this blog. It is really appreciated!

Please keep those comments coming and keep posting on the Cbox. The Cbox can be used to discuss things such as Series Five filming with others and many other things - it is not just for comments! :)

Please continue to enjoy the blog and consider signing up for a free subscription!



The Fourth Doctor Set

A very exciting new figure set has now been announced and is already available for pre-order.

- The Fourth Doctor (Re-release)
-A mummy from ‘Pyramids of Mars’ with canopic jar accessory (1975)
- A new Voc robot from ‘The Robots of Death’ (1977)
- And a Dalek as seen in ‘Destiny of the Daleks’ with bombs (1979).

Available for pre-order now from Forbidden Planet for £29.99 expected for release on the 10th August

Fantastic news (but not very ideal for army building)!

And fear not, despite rumours, these are not exclusive to Forbidden Planet.
I phoned them up myself and asked and they said that they are not exclusive to Forbidden Planet.

Since the Mummy and the Voc Robot were rumoured to be in the second wave of classics, I think this pretty much concludes that we will not be getting a second wave and we will just be getting special releases like this.

Considering we all thought CO were done with Doctor Who for this year, it is turning out to be a very exciting (and expensive) year.


Dalek Collectors Set #2

Yes, we all thought it wasn`t going to happen but...

The Second Dalek Collectors Set is here!

- A Saucer Pilot Dalek from `Dalek Invasion of Earth`(1964)
-An Emperor`s Guard Dalek from `Evil of the Daleks`(1967)
- The Supreme Dalek from `Day of the Daleks`(1972)

Available for pre-order now from Forbidden Planet for £19.99 and expected for release on the 10th August



Third Doctor Figure Packs

As you`ll probably know, a while ago someone from Forbidden Planet said that they would be selling two exclusive Third Doctor figures soon.
Well we now have more news courtesy of ActionFigureInsider:

These fantastic collector items will be available exclusively through Underground Toys in the US and through Forbidden Planet in the UK.

Product samples of these great Jon Pertwee 2 Packs will be unveiled at San Diego Comic Con on Underground Toys booth #3949 at 2.30pm on Thursday 23rd July!

The Third Doctor with Sea Devil from `The Sea Devils`:
This set features an exclusive Underground Toys action figure of the dynamic 3rd Doctor as played by Jon Pertwee with a magnificent Sea Devil figure with brand new and updated decoration. The Doctors cloak is removable and he comes with his trusty Sonic Screwdriver.

The 3rd Doctor figure and Dalek from ‘Death to the Daleks’:
This set features an exclusive Underground Toys action figure of the dynamic 3rd Doctor as played by Jon Pertwee with Blue jacket and high boots. It also features a splendid looking Dalek resplendent in Silver and black livery and sporting a machine gun. The Doctor comes with his trusty Sonic Screwdriver.

So we have two Third Doctors, a new Dalek and an improved Sea Devil!
How exciting (but how expensive. I can`t keep up with all of this).

So product samples are being shown at Comic Con which means there is a chance of photos.
Watch this space!


Tuesday, 21 July 2009

Magazine Coming Soon...

I have some exciting news.
I`m looking for ways to make the blog bigger and more exciting and so I have come up with the idea of launching an online magazine.

If I pull it off, the magazine will be monthly.
I can`t reveal much else at the moment.

This isn`t definite yet but I am going to try my best.
So far, all I have done is the cover for Issue One so to get you excited, here it is:

Click for a bigger picture.

Please Note: This is not 100% going to go ahead but it is likely.
Also, Subscribers will get to read the magazine before it is uploaded to the blog.

Please leave your thoughts and comments!


The Doctor Who Storybook 2010

The cover and details for Doctor Who Storybook 2010 have now been released by Panini Books. This book will feature eight brand new stories, all including the 10th Doctor, portrayed by David Tennant. View the cover and the synopsis below:

Thrilling Adventures in Time and Space! Join the Tenth Doctor and his trusty TARDIS as they travel to previously unexplored times and places in this new collection of stories, packed with frights and fun – and all lavishly illustrated in full colour! The Time Lord faces up to a shapeless horror in a Victorian orphanage, meets sentient doors from another dimension, re-encounters the gaseous Gelth on a reality TV show, journeys to the Australian outback to investigate mysterious objects falling from the sky, travels to the end of the rainbow – quite literally! – and battles Vikings. A lot of Vikings...

Containing eight action-packed stories:
Total Eclipse of The Heart by Oli Smith
The End of the Rainbow by Jacqueline Rayner
Scared Stiff by Mark Gatiss
Space Vikings! by Jonathan Morris
Bennelong Point by Keith Temple
The Shape on the Chair by Matt Jones
Knock Knock! by Paul Magrs
The Haldenmor Fugue by James Moran

Plus a final Letter from the Doctor – as told to Russell T Davies! Featuring the Tenth Doctor as played by David Tennant in the smash-hit BBC One drama series! Eight original illustrated adventures featuring The 10th Doctor! Includes writers from the award-winning BBC One Series.

This will be released on 31st August this year, at an RRP of £7.99. This will be published in hardback only and contains eighty pages.


Matt Smith or John Smith?

Did The Doctor enjoy being human back in series three and based his new outfit on his human self?

An interesting similarity.


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