Doctor Who Adventures: Issue 160 - REGENERATED
Doctor Who Who Adventures is regenerating!
Out today is the very last issue with the old logo. Next week it's out with the old and in with the new... sadly.
Here is what it will look like:

It doesn't look that bad but the "Adventures" writing looks terrible. It's cartoony, childish writing which doesn't go well with a classy, adult logo like that. Absolutely terrible.
Anyway, the next issue is at the regular price of 2.10 and will come with a free TARDIS clock as well as the first in a set of tokens needed to enter a competition to win a life size Dalek!
The new DWA goes on sale on Thursday April 1st.
In other news, Doctor Who Magazine editor, Tom Spilsbury, has confirmed that the new issue of DWM, due out in one week, will be a multiple cover issue. The covers will be revealed next week. The issue will also contain previews for the first 4 adventures; The Eleventh Hour, The Beast Below, Victory of the Daleks and Time of the Angels/Flesh and Stone.
Apologies for the lack of posts lately. I am working on an extremely important project with Matt and don't have much spare time. I will try and post the odd news post (Such as this) but I'm afraid we won't really be back to normal until after Easter Weekend.
As the art editor in charge of this redesign, I'm thrilled that you think the logo is cartoony and childish - that's exactly the brief for a magazine aimed at 8 -12 year old children! So we got it right. We would have liked to have adapted the main logo as well so that the elements married together more in line with a children's magazine but the new logo cannot be altered or interfered with in any way. BBC Cardiff and the DW team were happy with this so that's why we went with it.
I've been reading a few forums and I'm bemused that a lot more people don't seem to realise DWA is a kid's mag...
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