Tuesday, 6 April 2010
Get Your Bookmarks Out!
When the Doctor is kidnapped, it’s up to Amy and “galaxy-famous swashbuckler” Dirk Slipstream to save the day. But who is Slipstream, exactly? And what is he really doing here?
With the Vykoid army swarming across Manhattan and sealing it from the world with a powerful alien force field, Amy has just 24 hours to find the Doctor and save the city. If she doesn’t, the people of Manhattan will be taken to work in the doomed asteroid mines of the Vykoid home planet. But as time starts to run out, who can she trust? And how far will she have to go to free New York from the Forgotten Army?

Including photos, design drawings, floor plans and instruction manuals from different eras of the series, this handbook explores the ship’s endless interior, looking inside its wardrobe and bedrooms, its power rooms and sick bay, its corridors and cloisters, and revealing just how the show’s production teams have created the dimensionally transcendental police box, inside and out.
Doctor Who Magazine Companion Edition: The 2009 Specials
Monday, 5 April 2010
We're back (again)!
Matt Smith’s a bit rubbish, ain’t he? HA! What on earth were we worried about?
Yes, as we all know, Doctor Who finally returned for a full series at the weekend and what a start it was! Did you enjoy The Eleventh Hour? Was it better than you expected? What do you think of the latest Doctor? Let us know for our upcoming review of The Eleventh Hour!
Now, it brings me great pleasure to finally confirm that we are back properly now! Yes, the important project I was working on with Matt (Which I can now confirm was Seb’s birthday present) as well as many other things are finally out the way so we can finally start posting regularly! Stay tuned!
So, hooray, we are back properly and so is Doctor Who! How fantastic! Read more...
Monday, 29 March 2010
The Easter Egg Winner!
It's time to announce the winner of our 2010 Easter Competition!
Thursday, 25 March 2010
Doctor Who Adventures: Issue 160 - REGENERATED
Doctor Who Who Adventures is regenerating!

It doesn't look that bad but the "Adventures" writing looks terrible. It's cartoony, childish writing which doesn't go well with a classy, adult logo like that. Absolutely terrible.
Anyway, the next issue is at the regular price of 2.10 and will come with a free TARDIS clock as well as the first in a set of tokens needed to enter a competition to win a life size Dalek!
The new DWA goes on sale on Thursday April 1st.
In other news, Doctor Who Magazine editor, Tom Spilsbury, has confirmed that the new issue of DWM, due out in one week, will be a multiple cover issue. The covers will be revealed next week. The issue will also contain previews for the first 4 adventures; The Eleventh Hour, The Beast Below, Victory of the Daleks and Time of the Angels/Flesh and Stone.
Apologies for the lack of posts lately. I am working on an extremely important project with Matt and don't have much spare time. I will try and post the odd news post (Such as this) but I'm afraid we won't really be back to normal until after Easter Weekend. Read more...
Wednesday, 24 March 2010
Easter Competition
Easter is coming!
And what better way to celebrate than with a Doctor Who Easter Egg?
Fancy winning one free of charge? Look no further!
That's right! We're giving away a Doctor Who Easter Egg to one lucky visitor! Better still - the winner gets to choose their Easter Egg!
Yesterday we posted photos and information of all four 2010 Doctor Who Easter Eggs and if you win this competition, rather than us sending you a certain one, you get to pick which of the four you want!! These are the ones available:
B) Gold
C) Red
D) Blue
*Cough* BBC3 - 7PM - TONIGHT *COUGH*
Fill in this form with your answer along with your details by 8pm on Sunday 28th March to enter! Sorry it's so soon but I need to send it in time for Easter. Originally you were going to have 2 weeks to enter (And it was going to be a quiz, not just one question) but the delays in our return meant that was not possible.
The winner will be announced on Monday 29th and will be contacted that night to choose their Easter Egg. It will then be sent on the evening of Thursday 1st April so it arrives on Saturday 3rd, as close to Easter Sunday as possible.
There are no costs for entry to the competition and the prize is completely free including postage.
If you have any questions, please contact us by clicking here.
Spread the word about the competition and get entering! Thanks!
Oh, and don't forget that on Easter Monday we will be reviewing all four 2010 Doctor Who Easter Eggs!
Tuesday, 23 March 2010

Thursday, 18 March 2010
Press Launch Video
Tonight in Wales, the press launch for The Eleventh Hour is taking place. Here is the news coverage on it:
The Adventures Never End...
With the filming of Series Five wrapping up this Saturday, it has been confirmed that more adventures are on the way...
We're Back!
Yes, that's right! We are finally back!
After 80 days in the dark and alot of delay over the past few days, News Through Time and Space is back - and bigger than ever!
As you can see, we have a complete new design which I have been working on for ages! Let us know what you think about it! We also have 10 pages now so take a look around and again, let us know what you think! We need your feedback!
Later tonight, we'll start posting news again but there is one huge change - WE NO LONGER POST SPOILERS! By that, we mean things like set reports. Our spoiler definition here is if something is confirmed by the BBC (E.g The Daleks in Series Five), it's not a spoiler.
This means absolutely anyone can visit now! We may return to posting spoilers but it depends how this goes. The next few weeks will be a "trial run".
We really hope you like the new look and new pages! Please do take a look around and please let us know what you think. We've put alot of work into this and it has taken a long time so we really appreciate your thoughts.
Like I said, the next few weeks are a "trial run". We may still change things. But for now, this is News Through Time and Space.
One thing I haven't done is make individual banners for each page. I'll try and do that this weekend. I didn't have time before.
So, here we go! News Through Time and Space is back! And the future looks bright! We've got lots planned! For starters, you can expect an Easter Competition to launch on Sunday which is certainly worth entering and I'm going to write a (long) Behind the Scenes piece on the process of our return so you have that to look forward to!
The future's bright for News Through Time and Space! We're back! And better than ever before!